What Would You do if the Internet was Down for Good?
Experiments with the anti-internet movement and how I am actively moving away from the internet
I had my internet go down for 1 day and I realized how much I rely on the internet for everything. It scared the shit out of me.
Like the feeling of slamming on your brakes to avoid a collision, the sudden realization of how much I RELY on the internet for all aspects of my life.
I want to get directions to a new place? Google maps.
I want to listen to music? Spotify or youtube.
I want to communicate with friends? Social media.
I want to work? Log on to the company portal.
Gotta Buy something? Amazon or other various online shopping.
The Internet is like oxygen for the modern world. It enables us to have access to incredible tools that make our lives comfortable, efficient, and entertaining.
But What Would have to change if the internet was down forever?
Here is a plan of how I am proactively peeling the internet away from my life.
Ways to avoid the Internet:
1. Try going InternetLESS ONE DAY A WEEK
Turn off wifi and data and just go outside and walk around. You’ll feel different.
2. Stop Worrying about “News”
Pay attention to the things that will affect your family, friends, and community. Do Epstein’s Flight logs really matter that much to your life? Don’t stress over that shit you probably have enough to worry about.
3. Foster relationships in person and Avoid Social Media ‘doom scrolling’
We all know so many people. From online communities to work peers and clients, many relationships are formed through the screen. And many relationships are formed and fostered this way. But, if you don’t know your neighbor as well as you know someone around the world, I think you need to evaluate your relationships.
Who is going to keep an eye on your house while you are away? Who’s going to be there when the power is out? Who’s going to help you move that big ass couch into the living room?
Neighbors are underrated.
4. Communicate via Phone
Not only will this form a stronger bond with whoever you are talking to but there is less room for misinterpretation.
5. Use CDs
With the internet down and no way to play music, I was sad, until I remembered I had a CD player and LinkinPark CDs #millennial
6. Read ACTUAL Books
With the rise of audiobooks in the past 5 years, without internet you would not have access to them. Plus, reading physical books is better for your brain and cognitive ability than listening. When is the last time you sat down and quietly just read a book?
7. Journal: write on paper with a pen
Remember paper and pen? After working in the adult world remotely for so long I have recently discovered the fact that writing is thinking.
Putting pen to paper on a daily basis will help you solve your problems and deal with complex emotions. Yes, I have a diary.
8. Do DIY Stuff without YouTube Videos Tutorials
I have found that sometimes youtube videos can just lead to procrastination. For example, my rain-water collection system. I was watching so many youtube videos on how to do it that I realized there isn’t JUST ONE correct way…so I thought of my own.
Figuring out problems without consulting the internet is part of human progress.
9. Have Hobbies that MAKE you go outside
I picked up hunting, gardening, and mountain biking. All of these require both hands and focus.
Here is my youtube Channel where I do just that!
Many things on the Internet are Fake
They are fake because:
people embellish stories
people lie to intentionally sell things or push ideas
Large Tech and media companies and governments collude to suppress ideas (twitter files anyone?)
People try to create a persona that isn’t really them (which is easy to do)
People give you a fake idea of how easy something can be. Complicated things like real-estate investing or starting a business.
Obviously, there are pros and cons to the internet. All I’m saying is - take a break from it.