Blackmail will be much easier with this technology. AI currently has the ability to make it looked like anybody did or said anything.
You can use 11 labs to capture someone's voice and make it say anything. AI and machine learning technology and grab input - voice- and manipulate it to create fake voice that is indistinguishable from the real thing.
Video they simply replace Leonardo DiCaprio's voice with the voice of other famous people. And it's spot on.
In this next video, you can literally just talk and it will take your voice and turn it into someone else's.
Facial Recognition and Deepfakes
Even worse, the technology already exists that can scan your face and manipulate it to look like you are doing or saying things that you never did.
Apple, TikTok, Snapchat and many other applications are scanning your face and saving on their servers. Combining these two technologies is where things can get really weird (bad?)
Did you read the terms and conditions? Of course not.
And the ease of use allows everybody to use these Technologies period everybody will be voluntarily scanning their faces and putting their voices into these mostly free applications period.
That biometric data is incredibly
Where I see this going REALLY Bad
Let's say you live in a country where the government is very oppressive. You decide one day that you want to speak against the government. If the government gets wind of someone talking bad, they can release footage of you doing crimes by using the data that they have collected through these applications and then arrest you.
They can literally create a video of you doing or saying things that you never said but it will look and sound as though you did. And this will turn your family and friends against you because they made proof.
This makes me want to get my face off the internet and stop talking on the phone.
Please tell me I’m crazy.
I hope I’m wrong.
You're not wrong. They make collecting your data "fun" so people jump on board without weighing the risk to their privacy. Remember 23andMe, the "genealogy" company? It was collecting people's DNA and no one thought twice about it.
Do you know the history of Facebook? Facebook launched on Feb. 4, 2004 - only a day after the Pentagon’s DARPA project LifeLog closed. Coincidence? Sure...
You're not paranoid. Well, not without cause, anyway. :-)