In a world where everything falls apart and society as we know it collapses you're going to wish that you had these people in your network.
Livestock Farmer
There's no such thing as veganism in a post-apocalyptic world. In a time when food is scarce and hard to come by, everyone is going to look at nutrient-dense options which means beef, chicken, goat, pigs, Turkey, and any type of meat basically.
If you're looking to get basic macro and micronutrients as efficiently as possible look no further than a livestock farmer. These are people that are constantly overlooked and even hated in modern culture but are literally the foundation to our existence.
You're not always going to be able to have Livestock on hand so you better have someone who can hunt in your group. not only will they hunt but they will know the land and understand how to track, trap, and harvest fresh meat for dinner.
Fish are a great food source and beginner friendly. Even if you’ve NEVER FISHED, with a little guidance, you can catch a fish. This will be a valuable skill. I even tried trout fishing for the first time and caught 4 trout for myself.
If you have a bunch of livestock and harvested animals on hand, you would like to have it but you're properly so that you don't waste any meat. You can do this yourself or save time by having another person do it professionally.
Butchers will be able to process meat to make it last longer and taste better.
Dude who makes his own Ammo
Who knows if you have to fight zombies, a private police force, Big Brother, or Klaus Schwab. apply chains will undoubtedly be fucked in post-apocalyptic world, so you want to have “a guy” who can make his own ammo specifically 5.56, 45 ACP, 30-06, and Bird/ buckshot.
“Bug Out” Guy with a Safe House
You might live in a city and if so, you're going to want to know somebody that has “a place” that you can go to so you're not tracked by government drones. Off the radar and Off the Grid.
With the grid being down, your Tesla is now useless. You're going to need somebody who can work on a real car and get it running after the EMP or the government-sponsored travel ban (they shut off Teslas for climate change). Let's face it, most of us don't know how to get the car running so you will need a mechanic to help
A mechanic is also great for small engines like chainsaws that will be an invaluable tool during these treacherous times.
Gardner and Food Prepper/ Canner
Let’s Face it, we're not all the best hunters. We're also not going to strictly eat a carnivore diet (I will). Many people enjoy fruits and vegetables but when winter comes you're going to need to store them.
Homeschool Educator
Children still exist in a post-apocalyptic world, but luckily woke critical race theory nonsense doesn’t. Education is Paramount. A leader in the community needs to teach our young boys and girls how to be functioning members of society and understand basic Math, Science, Language, and History.
They also need to understand how to find their strengths and fill their roles in their family and community.
Power is going to be very important so a good electrician on hand can help you siphon electricity from the grid. They can also help you find alternatives through other sources like solar.
Clean water is going to be a top priority whether from the county or a well. Also need to make sure poop goes where it should.
Lumber Guy
Going to want or need to build things maybe to board up your house from impending zombie hordes or building a nice long live-edge table to have post-apocalyptic feasts.
Metal Worker/ Welder
Whether it's infrastructure pipes and buildings or reinforcing barricades, having someone who can work with metal is going to be of the utmost importance. I'm thinking of someone who can create reinforced doors for bunkers and bomb shelters
Anti-tech IT guy for cyber security and comms
Having someone who understands communication infrastructure and the capabilities/ drawbacks is communication inside of your group. Whether it's walkie-talkies, Ham radios, or actually using a network of some kind or spinning up your own.
You also want somebody who's paranoid and predicted this apocalypse so they have a plan in place and understand the capabilities of Big Brother.
There are no atheists in a post-apocalyptic world.
Notice that there are no white-collar jobs on this list LOL. What the hell would you need a banker for post-apocalypse??
Honorable Mentions
Guy with FFL - (Federal Firearms License) and access to fully automatic machine guns (if there are lots of zombies)
Forager - someone who knows the land and can scout edible plants (berries and shit)